From January 24th to 26th, European stakeholders of three major projects for railway digitalization met in Beijing to seal a joint plan for a consistent and complementary offer to the business.

Recognizing the structuring benefits of RailTopoModel, UIC Member Companies have decided and funded several follow-up projects, in order to use RTM as a foundation for Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Railway infrastructure.

For that purpose, UIC and its members have joined forces with buildingSMART international (bSI). In such way, the infrastructure «building blocks» provided by bSI’s Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and the high level model provided by RailTopoModel will be linked, and will enrich each other. Moreover, given the paramount importance of railway signaling with respect to railway system safety and economic efficiency, this cooperation fully involves the EULYNX project. This three-part collaboration will aim, at first, to build one common Rail Data Dictionary relating to all domains of railway infrastructure (track, signaling, energy, and telecom). This is to define a consistent representation of the railway system, to be used by each project for its own use cases.

On that base, RTM members will contribute to the construction and enrichment of the Rail Data Dictionary, in view of supporting their own objectives in asset management or operation and simulation.

Join the conference!

The 9th RailTopoModel conference will take place in Paris, on May 22nd, 2018 – 9am-5pm, 2018 at UIC, near the Eiffel Tower. Participation is free.

Register here:

This 9th conference will be the opportunity to present the recent deliveries, ongoing works, next steps for BIM, GIS and Simulation, the extension to the complete railway system including rolling stock, and the joint roadmap with bSI and Eulynx.
Speakers from railways, software developers, and universities will share their experience in developing or using RTM as one ingredient towards the creation of a «digital twin» to the railway system, with applications ranging from asset management to safety verification, or support to operations.

Proposals for presentation of such developments based on RTM are welcome

A registration web page wth a detailed agenda can be foud here. Feel free to consult  for updates on this event.

What is RailTopoModel ?

RailTopoModel (abbr.: RTM) is a logical object model to standardize the digital representation of railway infrastructure-related data. It is the result of three years of cooperation between European Infrastructure Managers, and has first been released by UIC in 2016 as a free, open industry standard (IRS30100).

Quick reference

Conference registration     

RailTopoModel latest release

RTM documentation            (updated) (not updated)


Building Smart International .

IFC Rail                                      

EULYNX project                  

Categories: RTM

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